Our Selection Process
The company seeks to recommend a play if it fulfills the following criteria:
Great roles for actors — bravura roles attractive to leading talent
2. Story Elements
Powerful, well-crafted script — well written, telling a dynamic story
3. Potential Audience/Market
Universal market appeal — of interest to a large potential audience
Significant subsidiary market opportunity — first production leading to worldwide royalties and rights for the investors
4. Cost to Produce
Modest budget — smaller casts, simple scenery
With recommended scripts, SLP takes an advocacy stance and champions scripts by:
Recommending and promoting scripts to appropriate theatre and production companies
Working with playwrights to develop plays
Optioning appropriate candidates for production
Raising production capital,
Producing the best of The Project’s findings
Working with other producers to bring new projects to the stage
Leveraging productions to a wider audience through other media.